Latest Payouts
Gold-Quarry Aug 4th, 2023
TOP Monitored
643 days
TOP Profitable
No Data Available
0.5% - 0.61% for 30 Days; 0.65% for 90 Days (15% - 18% - 20% per Month) -- Principal Return At the end
Project Description
Geita (Tanzania) Geita, one of the flagship mines of the Gold Quarry company, is located in the north-west of Tanzania, on the gold deposits of Lake Victoria in the Mwanza region, approximately 120 km from Mwanza and 4 km west of the city of Geita. This is the largest of eight gold mines in Africa and the only such mine in Tanzania. All Geita history is closely related to gold mining. The Geita gold mine started gold mining in 1936, when 2000 employees worked there. It was the largest gold mine in East Africa. From 1936 to 1966, more than 1 million ounces of gold were mined.
- SSL Encryption
- DDoS Protection
- Licensed GC Script
- Dedicated Server/IP